MCAP Diagnostic - Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust



MCAP data showed that 15 - 17 patients per month across the surgical wards were delayed due to not having a discharge plan documented. These were non-qualified patients - ready for discharge.



The initiative was to appoint a ‘Consultant / Surgeon of the Week’ underpinned with MCAP live data. This data has enabled them to focus on those patients who are ready for discharge but delayed due to this reason.



The initiative has resulted in bed day savings and has impacted on improving processes within the hospital. The MCAP team has worked in partnership with the GDE (Global Digital Enabler) Team to streamline the discharge plan process. Delays due to missing discharge plan now a very rare occurrence at the hospital.


Using MCAP for Discharge Planning - The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust


Understanding Internal Delays Using MCAP - Royal Brompton & Harefield NHS Foundation Trust