Using MCAP for Discharge Planning - The Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust



MCAP reviews identified patients whose delay was due to issues with their discharge documentation. Transport delays were identified as a key issue.



Changes were made as a result of the review to improve the process, including a discharge checklist with fields added in to support patients who live alone or need further support with their discharge.



A review of the documentation resulted in a tightening up of the process for preparing patients in advance of their transport arrangements. The checklist is completed the night before rather than on the day, as transport often arrived when patients were not ready to go but were waiting for the documentation to be completed. Resultant improvements in process and documentation also had a positive impact on the amount of time taken for nursing staff to complete the discharge.


Using MCAP to Understand Delays in Medication & Pharmacy - Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust


MCAP Diagnostic - Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust