Oculys Housekeeping

Oculys houseOPS


houseOPS is a mobile workflow solution that optimizes the housekeeping process within a hospital.

houseOPS allows housekeepers to manage tasks and collaborate with their teams in real-time. The solution presents tasks in a prioritized structure, providing insight into the priority rooms to clean, the type of cleaning required and estimated time for cleaning a room. Actual times are tracked and integrated with the dashOPS solution, triggering notifications and providing visibility across the organization of room availability so that patient placement can be expedited.


Organize Information


houseOPS presents information through an intuitive dashboard that displays the most current bed/room status, organizing the information in a simple format.

Automate Tasks, Streamline Performance


houseOPS automates the housekeeping process, allowing hospitals to view and manage departmental operations in real-time, streamlining the performance of the cleaning staff, improving management of the department and reducing bed-turnaround times.

streamline performance.png

Additional Material


 “When I wake up first thing in the morning, I look at Oculys because I want to know the state of affairs before I start driving to work.”

— Krista Williams, Chief Health Operations Officer, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority