Oculys Bed Assignment Board

Oculys bedOPS

Designed for hospitals looking to maximize their return on assets, Oculys bedOPS provides a complete overview of the entire hospital system and provides the functionality to support planning, execution and organizational oversight.

Oculys bedOPS extends the capabilities of the dashOPS solution by leveraging pre-existing functionality and maximizing our workflow engine. It allows hospitals to optimize the availability of resources in response to time-sensitive pressures and care needs.


Visibility Across the Organization 

Through our unique ‘drag and drop’ feature it allows the end user to create a patient flow plan for high-level review before committing to it.  The key components of the solution consist of views and flow functions tailored to views at the corporate, program, and patient unit level.

Improve Efficiency

This solution replaces the need to open new beds or new ORs in a hospital by allowing a hospital to gain drastic efficiencies.


Additional Material

 “When I wake up first thing in the morning, I look at Oculys because I want to know the state of affairs before I start driving to work.”

— Krista Williams, Chief Health Operations Officer, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority