Making Care Appropriate for Patients

MCAP Clinical Decision Support


MCAP is a clinical decision support software tool that enables clinicians to make objective, evidence-based assessments of whether patients are being treated at the right level of care based on their individual clinical need. MCAP improves patient flow, identifying patients who should never have been admitted and demonstrating whether or not patients are clinically appropriate for the level of care they are receiving. MCAP supports organisations to tackle delayed transfers of care, stranded patients and will help achieve a reduction in Length of Stay (LOS). 

IdentifyMCAP identifies large numbers of patients that can be discharged and identifies barriers to the discharge planning process.


MCAP identifies large numbers of patients that can be discharged and identifies barriers to the discharge planning process.

PlanMCAP supports planning for, and response to, a surge in demand by creating increased capacity through the rapid identification of patients that can be discharged or decanted.


MCAP supports planning for, and response to, a surge in demand by creating increased capacity through the rapid identification of patients that can be discharged or decanted.

StandardizedA standardized approach is critically important for consistent decision making and will maximize the freeing up of capacity while also safeguarding patient health.


A standardized approach is critically important for consistent decision making and will maximize the freeing up of capacity while also safeguarding patient health.

Clinical Utilization Review solution used internationally

Clinical Utilization Review solution used internationally

125+ Hospitals have used MCAP

125+ Hospitals have used MCAP

Discharge when appropriate and reduce LOS

Discharge when appropriate and reduce LOS

Identify patient flow issues & the root causes

Identify patient flow issues & the root causes

MCAP Answers 3 Questions

Reviews are completed by clinicians – Assessments are completed in seconds

Question 1

Is the patient at the appropriate service intensity level of care? 

Question 2

And if not, what is the most appropriate service intensity level of care?

Question 3

And if not, what is the principal reason for the continued stay?


Key Benefits


MCAP brings to light the reasons for patient blockages and delays in real-time, giving providers the tools to:

  • Reductions in the length of stay.

  • An increase in daily discharges.

  • Reductions in internal waits such as diagnostics and physiotherapy / occupational services.

  • Financial and workforce savings arising from service re-design.

  • Identification of patients that should not have been admitted.

  • Reduction in stranded patients.

  • Supports an Integrated Care System wide approach to winter planning.


Understand Root Causes of Patient Flow Blockages


MCAP’s specific, evidence-based clinical criteria identify the underlying root causes of patient flow blockages, these can be used to understand exactly what systemic issues the hospital is facing. MCAP findings provide data not otherwise readily available, revealing opportunities for systemic improvement. 


Continuous Quality Improvement


MCAP is an important continuous quality improvement process based on evidence-based criteria and continual measurement. Routine, ongoing, day-to-day use of MCAP (alongside clinical workflow) can support providers to deliver the highest quality of clinical services that provides the best value for system resources in order to deliver an affordable health and social care system. 


 MCAP criteria comprehensively supports three areas of clinical care and ensures that the patient is at the most appropriate level of care, supporting the determination of the need for continuing care.

Acute Care

Includes medical-surgical care from admission through to outpatient services.  

Mental Health & Addiction Services

Includes mental health and addiction care across the spectrum from acute, to rehabilitation, day treatment, and outpatient services.

Read the Case Studies on MCAP >

Rehab & Complex Continuing Care

Includes complex rehabilitation care, acute rehabilitation care, day treatment programs outpatient care, and long-term acute care.

Start Identifying barriers to discharge and reduce LOS.